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Premium Fitness Club
Karven Sportclub

Karven Sport Club
Karven Sport Club is a leading premium fitness club with gym, swimming pool, kickboxing and tennis facilities. Karven has been a part of Kyrgyzstan’s fitness history for more than 20 years and helped many members to become the best version of themselves.
The professional instructors of Karven Club make sure your training is effective. The Karven trainers guide you thru the training process and help you get consistent results.
Karven Club offers a great variety of trainings and over 60 different programs per week. The trainers are also available for individual sessions.

Sport Seminar at Karven Club
SRIS and the Karven Club are working together to promote health and nutrition alongside education. Both partners recognize the sports and fitness sector as a fast growing sector in the Kyrgyz Republic and cooperate to qualify students for a career in that sector.
Karven Club provides a one day training course at their facilities for our upper high school ‘physical education’ classes.
SRIS and Karven Club are further working on providing internships during the summer time for our students in the near future.

Physical Education IGCSE
The sports industry is booming in the Kyrgyz Republic. Being active and fit has become a mainstream lifestyle component for the young to middle aged generation.
Our IGCSE Course ‘Physical Education’ prepares our students for starting a career in the fitness industry.

Karven Club for over 20 years
Karven Sport Club was one of the first premium fitness facilities in Bishkek and has delivered consistent high level service for over 20 years.
Karven Sport Club
Training Facilities

Yoga and other training sessions
Karven Sport Club offers a great variety of trainings and over 60 different programs per week.

CrossFit station for HIIT
High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a training protocol alternating short periods of intense or explosive anaerobic exercise with brief recovery periods until the point of exhaustion.

Gym • Workout Room

Tennis Hall

Swimming Pool
Silk Road International School
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