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Silk Road International School
Career Portal

“SRIS strives to provide the best stimulation for young students. We want them to gain the skills they need for a career.
We give them insight into different industries so they can make smart career choices.
Therefore we partner with esteemed businesses in Bishkek to provide our students with real world experiences and internship opportunities”
Shelly Gupta

Learning for life
At Silk Road International School we design our curriculum to be relevant for our student’s future career. We monitor economic changes and help our students to develop in find their interests.

Local Relevance
Even for students who study abroad, the main goal is to build a future in the Kyrgyz Republic. We monitor the economic development in Central Asia and make sure to offer study options, which are relveant to the local job market.
Silk Road International School
Thank you to our partners
Silk Road International School
Career News
SRIS teaches Travel & Tourism.
SRIS teaches Travel and Tourism, which offers great opportunities for a career and is guaranteed to keep your job interesting and challenging.
Sport Seminar at Karven Club
Karven Club provides a one day sport seminar at their facilities for our upper high school physical education class.
Business Training at Orion
Orion Hotel has partnered with Silk Road International School for a hands-on training of SRIS’ IGCSE Travel and Tourism class. The hospitality sector offers great opportunities for your career, as an entrepreneur, in management and as an employee.
Our Vision for a Better School
Director Shelly Gupta outlines achievements, ongoing improvements and her vision for a better school at SRIS in her 2022 Spring Keynote. She shows why SRIS is the best place for merited young talents.
Cooperations provide real world experiences
Real World experience are important for students to acquire real world skills. We are proud to introduce the first signed partnerships with Karven Club and Orion Hotel for in-house seminars.
SRIS uses Memsource CAT
SRIS uses Memsource in upper high school’s Russian and Kyrgyz courses. We are training our language team in the use of CAT and are using it to maintain this website in three languages.
Learning about Cashflow by playing a game
Our eleven graders trained their knowledge of financial planing by playing the game CASHFLOW® in their business studies class.