Dear SRIS Families, Welcome Back! I hope you are enjoying a wonderful summer. I also hope you are relaxed, recharged and ready to start a new school year. I am so delighted that you are part of our amazing learning community. I welcome and value your positive energy...
Working in tourism is serious business and far from a never ending vacation. However it offers great career potential, both as an entrepreneur and an employee. This is why SRIS teaches Travel and Tourism in their Cambridge IGCSE program. Tourism and Travel offers...
Международная школа Silk Road Карьера в фитнесе • Семинар Подготовка будущих профессионалов в ФитнесеSRIS и Karven Club вместе пропагандируют здоровье и питание наряду с образованием. Обе организации признают сферу спорта и фитнеса быстрорастущим сектором экономики...
Постоянное улучшение«В SRIS мы постоянно работаем над постоянным улучшением, чтобы каждый день приближаться к нашему видению. Школьная жизнь стала более гибкой, и нам все время приходится адаптироваться к изменениям во внешнем мире. Мы всегда помним о желаемых...
We learn for life, not for school. Real World experiences are important for students to acquire real world skills. It also helps them to put, what they learned at school, into perspective and turn it into real knowledge. This is why SRIS has been reaching out to...
Watch Nomadic Spirit on YouTube Our students have shown an amazing performance at our Spring Festival, presenting a self produced musical about important events in Kyrgyz History at @bishkek.operaballet. This musical was created using project based teaching (PBL) and...